Categorie: Software de gerenciamento de email / Gaggle Mail Reveja

Gaggle Mail

Avaliações: 5 | Classificação geral: Boa
Cloud-based platform that enables small businesses to generate a permanent email address to archive messages, track activities, manage billings and more.
Comentário deixado em 04/05/2020

It's clean, it's simple, it simply does the job and does it well.

With Gaggle Mail I no longer have to host my own Mailman software to maintain a small mailinglist. Gaggle is much easier and very affordable.

So far everything worked as hoped and as expected. Easy to get started, add a list of members and start sending emails.
Comentário deixado em 10/08/2019

I think Gaggle mail is easy to use and efficient for getting messages out to a large group of people.

I started using this product recently and like that everyone in the group can receive messages and at the same time, the moderator can have the last right for the message to be distributed.

It is a little expensive for large groups. I am looking to implement it for non-profit use and it would be nice if they provided some type of improved pricing for this group of consumers.
Comentário deixado em 09/30/2019
Ponzo Simmoms

It's a nice simple service but can definitely use some work on making the main search function easier to use.

This is good for archiving your organization's email. I've never had an issue with breaches or missing emails and once it is set up, I can forget about it and trust that it's working.

The search function could use some work. For anyone who has never written code, this can be a difficult search function to use. For example, it uses "And/Or" search functions for whether you want the multiple fields to need to be joined or not. It's a bit of a hassle to get used to.
Comentário deixado em 12/05/2018

I've used GaggleMail to keep members of our community in communication about issues that should be resolved by our HOA. It works perfectly since we all have different email platforms but would like a simple mail group.

Gaggle Mail is a simple and cost-effective group mailing platform that is good for groups that don't have their own email system to create groups in. Its very flexible in configuring email templates, tracking and onboarding new users, and integrating with custom domains.

Its fairly simple, so there is not much to dislike about GaggleMail
Comentário deixado em 02/16/2018
Ulund Bodie

Email provider for schools that does filter and provide filtered youtube content and other tools to manage school mail

This has been surplanted in our organization by gmail. It no longer offered significant differentiated service for us.

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