Categorie: Ferramentas de visualização de dados / D3.Js Reveja


Avaliações: 6 | Classificação geral: Boa
Java script library that enables document manipulations through visualization and animations.
Comentário deixado em 03/13/2020

D3 has so many exciting and beautiful examples online that draw you in. I'm a big fun of the javascript community, therefore am so glad that D3 is in my favourite language

It's not surprising that D3 has a steep learning curve considering the complexity of the visualizations. The support is not really good
Comentário deixado em 03/11/2020
Mandelbaum Schrauder

I used this library in all web projects

You can find excellents charts to display your data in a corporative dashbords

You need to have medium skills in javascript to integrate those compliment
Comentário deixado em 02/11/2020

I was trying to plot Hurst cycles and Stock charts

Feature set,

Sometimes the samples programs don't fit very well with other templates and will need some work customizing it to gel well with the template.
Comentário deixado em 07/21/2019
Miguelita Mrvan

Overall it's the best tool of its kind, I've used it in the past, and I will continue using it.

It's the only tool you need to work with digital representations of your data. It literally has got everything you would expect.

I did not find any cons so far, maybe a size?
Comentário deixado em 03/28/2019

A leading data visualization for Data Scientists and professionals who are seeking courses in Data Visualization.

I liked the most:

Least liked:
Comentário deixado em 02/11/2019

D3.JS was used for display relationships between most used/seen words on social media and display the statistics and relationships among different factors. It was fascinating to see the relationships between similar words depicted using D3.JS

I learned about D3.JS while pursuing my bachelor's degree in computer science and finding this tool to be quite amazing. D3.JS provides a wide range of data visualization tools and templates right out of the box for visualizing a large dataset. A developer can download a quick to use template directly from their website and plug in the data to see updates instantaneously without the need to build their own visualization.

The part that is least likable for this JavaScript library is the spectrum of choices that can be overwhelming when it comes down to finding the most intuitive visualization template for the data set that a person may be working with. At times it could be as simple as choosing a map graphical representation for data associated with geographical locations. Other times, it could be choosing a data visualization template from a vast of available options for depicting the relationships between letters and numbers. I find it best to simply pick one and test it out for deciding the best fit.

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