Categorie: Software de gerenciamento de calibração / TrackPro Reveja


Avaliações: 2 | Classificação geral: Boa
Quality assurance management solution that allows businesses to track the status of recurrent items such as calibrations schedules, validations, maintenance, custom, equipment location, label printing, data export and more, thereby assisting in meeting the requirements of QSR, cGMP, ISO 13485 and others.
Comentário deixado em 03/25/2020

I have used track Pro for many years. Used the fee version for a year then purchased the 450 limit license. There are a few very small items that a power Excel user might be bothered by but for overall use Track Pro is great. Very good report generator and audit trail function. Customer service is truly phenomenal. Al (the creator) will call you directly if you are having issues and you can't beat that kind of service.

Comentário deixado em 09/09/2016
Berhley Broski

Been working with TrackPro for about 8 years. I wasn't expecting this type of software at that low price (at first i used 150 itens FREE version). With the use i realized that was what i've been looking for, versatile and friendly - still very powerfull and customizable. After some time didn't hesitated on choosing Trackpro as a partner for our company.

Windows friendly, many other softwares that are so specific that you can't adjust it to your needs.

Some bugs, but always well supported by Al Weisenborn.

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