Software de gerenciamento de risco financeiro /
Software de gerenciamento de risco /
@RISK Reveja
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@RISK performs risk analysis using Monte Carlo simulation to show you many possible outcomes in your spreadsheet model and how likely each are to occur. It mathematically and objectively computes and tracks many different possible future scenarios, then tells you the probabilities and risks associated with each different one. This means you can judge which risks to take and which ones to avoid, allowing for the best decision making under uncertainty.
I just have one complain, the only time I had a problem with the tool, I made a ticked but didn't get a response as quick as I needed.
I do most like is its functionality, because it works together Microsoft Excel, and this feature allow one to study different scenarios under risk.
I do least like is that I cannot generate figures in postscript, namely, files with extension ps or eps, which are very necessaries for doing reports in my profession.
There is no viewer available. User must have the @Risk license to interact with the results. You can always take screen shots but you cant interact iwth the data.
The ease and efficiency @RISK allows you to model real business problems makes it a great tool to have. It provides a lot of insight with its large amount of available tools to sort your collected data (tornado graphs, histograms, etc.) and can sort it further by correlation coefficients, total change, etc. It is also very easy to pick up. If you already have some fluency with Excel and basic knowledge of statistics you will be able to understand how to work @RISK very fast.
There is not a lot of critical things I have to say about @RISK as its functionality is as it should be. Although if I did have to choose I would say that it would be nice to have a couple more graphical tools to visualize the data.
I liked least that I was limited by my own lack of knowledge of the potential and offerings of this product, but that may improve the more it is used.
Palisade @risk is very powerful and easy to use. Common adjustment of simulation setting can be achieved in the front ribon without the need to go to more options.
I wish Palisade @risk provided some more indepth instructional videos, focusing on each of the specific Risk functions. The current video is great but hide some important details and making it difficult to replicate for a novice user.
Two things: documentation and the easiness to do networking which is very important for anybody who is interested on working in the area.
Would like to see more practical examples of BIG projects but I suppose many of them are property of the company that developed them. by Palisade on 25/04/2019 Thank you, Alicia, for taking the time to write this glowing review of our software! We are so appreciative of customers, like yourself, that spread the word about @RISK and Monte Carlo simulation. Your description of Monte Carlo simulation is perfect and helps to demystify it for those that aren't familiar with why Monte Carlo simulation can often times be a better option.We have over 80,000 students a year using our software, some of which are probably your students! These students will typically enter the workforce being able to make better decisions using @RISK and Monte Carlo simulation.Thank you, again, for your kind words and for being one of our valued users!